

Sponsored by Patronat de Turisme de Cambrils

The chef with a Michelin star at El Rincón de Diego will be explaining how he achieves compatibility of visions.

A family dynasty arriving from Tarragona to discuss legacy and passion for the profession, how respect for this and innovation from several generations have enabled the family business to maintain a Michelin star since 2005. 

Diego and Rubén Campos, father and son, will be at Gastronomika to showcase the current menu at El Rincón de Diego (Cambrils), known as Summum, with a look at its fare to demonstrate the influences of each. Among others, Rubén Campos served his time in Japan, China, Thailand, Singapore, Bali and Russia; and also at home with ABaC, Arzak and El Celler de Can Roca.




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